Being disabled or elderly can often make it difficult to navigate around your own home. Accessibility and mobility become difficult, and you become prone to more accidents in your bathroom, on the stairs or even at your front door.
Besides installing our assistive technology products in your home such as wheelchair lifts, platforms and ramps, here are a few other tips on keeping your home safe and secure for your disabled loved one or the elderly:
1. Clear all paths of any rugs, loose carpeting or raised areas of flooring. Remove any low furniture that your loved one could possibly fall or trip over, or any hazards such as electric cords or clutter.
2. Install a camera for your elder. If you are in another room or running errands while your elder is home and have no one to watch them, install cameras around the house to let you check a live feed from your smartphone. It may seem invasive, but as long as you have permission from your loved one, you can make sure they are safe and sound while going about your day.
3. Instead of door knobs, get handles. Sometimes certain disabilities or elder frailty can make it difficult to turn doorknobs. Install lever-style door handles to make it easier for them to navigate. Also use door locks that can be opened from either side..
4. If you have an elderly loved one who forgets to turn off the stove sometimes or suddenly can’t figure out the shower, install anti-scalding devices. These devices automatically turn off water that gets too hot such as on the stove or in the shower or tub. This reduces the risk of causing a fire or injury whether it is in the bathroom or kitchen.
While we also have products that also help with bathroom mobility, and mobility and accessibility throughout your home such as our Stander Mobility products and wheelchair lifts, platforms and ramps, these tips will also allow you to make your home much safer for the disabled or elderly. As a caregiver or concerned loved one, it is natural to worry about your senior or disabled loved one getting injured in their own home, so just take precaution and follow these tips to make your home feel safe and secure.
Click here to visit our blog and read about our other products as well as other tips on care giving.